This Dry Wash cleans more than just cars. In fact, it’s so versatile that people clean their skis with it!
It is no wonder I love waterless car wash products like Dri Wash N Guard. They come with so many advantages!
Why I Like Dri Wash N Guard:
1. Forget the Car Wash Mess.
First, because they don’t require water, they produce no mess. Plus, they are less time-consuming to use (partially because no after wash clean-up is required).
2. Wash Anytime, Anywhere.
Second, you don’t have to wait for a sunny day to clean your car. You can use Dri Wash ‘N Guard no matter what the weather is. Plus, you can even “wash” your car in your garage.
3. Do Everything in One Step.
Third, this dry wash goes two extra steps. In addition to washing your vehicle (or other non-porous item for that matter), it then goes on to seal and UV-protect the finish. And let me remind you that this is in a single spray-on/wipe off step.

4. Use this Waterless Car Wash or More than Just Your Car.
Fourth, Dri Wash ‘N Guard Classic Waterless Car Wash contains an exclusive Poly Guard-3. It carries a guarantee to not scratch the surface of your vehicle. In short, the cleaner emulsifies dirt and lifts it safely away from your car’s finish.
Now you may be thinking twice about other household cleaning products that you regularly use around your home. Right?
You can use Dri Wash ‘N Guard to clean, polish and protect any hard, non-porous surface.
Think of all the gear you own with painted surfaces that you want to keep clean (ie cars, boats, RVs, motorcycles, skis, planes, etc..). Why not try it?
5. Get More Value for Your Money.
Fifth, like other waterless wash & wax products, this product lasts longer. To achieve best results, use a spray bottle that produces an ultra-fine mist. The fine mist is key to getting good coverage when using a waterless car wash product on your vehicle.
You can buy a Chemical Guys Heavy Duty Sprayer for just about $7. Compared to regular cheap spray bottles, this one can give you a really fine mist.
What’s the difference? Professional automotive sprayers can produce a finer mist, therefore helping the product last longer. Who doesn’t want to get more product for their money, right?
Dri Wash ‘N Guard comes in a 32-ounce bottle. However, the number of car washes you get out of it will depend on the size of your car.
On average, the amount runs between 8 and 16 washes per bottle. Not too shabby in my opinion! To find out how much your car check needs, out the average usage chart.
Note: You used to be able to purchase the 32oz Dri Wash ‘n Guard waterless car wash with the pumper. However, the manufacturer has discontinued the pump bottle.
Although you can still buy the DriWash Solutions Airosol Pumper separately, it will cost you over $20. The better option is to go with the fine mist spray bottle shown above.